Newspaper headlines: ‘Ireland Brexit plan in tatters’ and ‘scorching’ April - Asylum Ireland

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Newspaper headlines: ‘Ireland Brexit plan in tatters’ and ‘scorching’ April

Newspaper headlines: ‘Ireland Brexit plan in tatters’ and ‘scorching’ April

The Daily Telegraph

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The Telegraph says the EU has rejected UK proposals for avoiding a hard Irish border. It reports that Theresa May’s plan was subjected to a “systematic and forensic annihilation”. Meanwhile, the paper says London Marathon organisers are warning runners to reconsider wearing fancy dress in light of the warm weather forecast.

The Times

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Another political story leads the front page of the Times, which reports on a cabinet split over immigration. It says Home Secretary Amber Rudd is being pressed by Brexit-supporting ministers to speed up a bill that is supposed to settle the UK’s post-Brexit new immigration system.

The Guardian

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Londoner Albert Thompson, a member of the Windrush generation who was denied NHS cancer treatment, has spoken of his anguish to the Guardian. He says he remains uncertain about whether he will receive treatment, a day after Theresa May said he would get the right care.

Daily Mirror

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The Daily Mirror has an interview with a friend of Stephen Lawrence. Duwayne Brooks tells the paper he wants to explain to Stephen’s mother why he was unable to help his friend in 1993.

The Metro

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“The Royal Stamp of Approval,” says the Metro, reporting on the Queen giving her blessing to Prince Charles as potential successor to head of the Commonwealth.

Daily ExpressImage copyright


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The Daily Express leads with what it calls a postcode lottery in the cost of social care. It quotes care campaigner Baroness Altmann as saying the social care system is “not fit for purpose”.

The Financial Times

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The Financial Times says the Irish drug company Shire has rejected a £42.4bn takeover offer from Japanese rival Takeda. Shares of the Irish group have leapt 5.9%, the paper reports.

The i

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The i says the UK has experienced its hottest April day since 1949. “Britain will continue to bake over the weekend”, the paper says.

Daily Mail

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The Daily Mail reports that the chairman of Save the Children International has quit in the wake of its sexual harassment scandal. The paper says Sir Alan Parker, who resigned after 10 years in the role, was facing claims of a cover-up of allegations against two executives – a claim which Sir Alan has always denied.

The Sun

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The Sun says the Irish Guards are concerned their mascot dog is being overworked and should retire.

Daily Star

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The Daily Star reports Dale Winton had confided in his friends that he had “had enough”. The 62-year-old was found dead at his home on Wednesday.

The Telegraph says it has learnt that the EU has comprehensively rejected British plans for avoiding a hard Irish border, in a move that casts serious doubt on the UK’s ability to leave the customs union.

It quotes senior EU diplomatic sources as saying Theresa May’s proposals were subjected to a “systematic and forensic annihilation” at a meeting between senior EU and British officials this week.

The source tells the paper: “It was made clear that none of the UK’s customs options will work. None of them.”

The paper says British negotiators were fully aware of EU scepticism, but the complete inflexibility of the European Commission and EU member states is understood to have left them shocked.

According to the Times’s lead, Amber Rudd is at the centre of a new cabinet row over delays to Britain’s post-Brexit immigration policy.

It says the home secretary is being pressed by Brexit-supporting ministers to speed up a bill that is supposed to settle the new immigration system after Britain leaves.

The dispute – it adds – comes as turbulence caused by the Windrush scandal exposes a fault line between Theresa May’s hard-line stance on immigration and those, including Ms Rudd – who are pressing for a softer policy.

For its main story, the Express reports that a postcode lottery is leaving care patients facing huge bills just because of where they live.

It says an investigation has found that some vulnerable people can be up to 25 times less likely than others to get their costs covered.

According to the study – by the consumer group, Which? – the South Reading Clinical Commissioning Group paid for care for the lowest proportion of people, at 8.78 patients per 50,000, while Salford funded 220.38 patients.

Patients in Stockport were almost seven times less likely to get the funding than those eight miles away in Salford, the paper adds.

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Many are upset by the decision of the House of Lords on Wednesday to overwhelmingly back an amendment challenging the government’s plans to leave the EU customs union.

Stephen Pollard in the Express says peers decided that their views should supersede those of the democratically elected government, not to mention brushing aside the direct wishes of the 52% who voted to leave the EU.

In the Sun’s view, they are no fans of democracy.

The Telegraph notes that every former cabinet secretary came out against the government.

The Mail’s Quentin Letts says they think it’s still their place in life to meddle in national affairs to a level that is dangerously incompatible with their professional standing.

Another former senior civil servant is fiercely criticised for saying that some in the coalition government had regarded Theresa May “hostile environment” immigration policy when she was home secretary as “almost reminiscent of Nazi Germany”.

Lord Kerslake – a former head of the civil service who’s lately been advising Jeremy Corbyn – made the remarks in a BBC Newsnight interview on Wednesday.

For the Mail, the comparison is a grave insult to the memory of the millions murdered by Hitler.

The Sun says the Nazi regime is a byword of evil of the most unimaginable kind, and Lord Kerslake should be ashamed of himself.

Finally, the Sun reports that soldiers at a barracks in west London have been protesting over the treatment of their regiment’s mascot dog.

The paper has been told by “insiders” that the wolfhound – Domhnall – should have been retired long ago, but is still being trotted out on parades and is being worked to his “death-bed”.

It says walls at the Irish Guards’ barracks have been spray-painted with the words “Justice 4 Domhnall” because of concerns about his health.

The army tells the paper Domhnall has been declared fit to work by vets and the graffiti was left by well-meaning soldiers unfamiliar with his true condition.

“Domhnall’s welfare is always of utmost importance”, it adds.


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