Accountability for (International) Human Rights Violations: Human Rights Lawyering Skills - Asylum Ireland

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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Accountability for (International) Human Rights Violations: Human Rights Lawyering Skills

Public Seminar

Accountability for (International) Human Rights Violations: Human Rights Lawyering Skills

Organised by the Global Legal Action Network & the Irish Centre for Human Rights

Speakers: Kirsty Brimelow QC (Doughty Street Chambers and UK Bar Human Rights committee) Michael Lynn SC & Colm O’Dwyer SC and a member of the Irish Centre for Human Rights and Equality Commission

When: 18th September 2018, 5pm-6.30pm.

Venue: Aula Maxima, NUI, Galway

CPD points (1.5) available

There is no fee for this event, but advance registration is essential:


The Irish Centre for Human Rights and the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN) are pleased to announce the launch of a new collaboration which sees the creation of a placement scheme linking the Centre’s students to GLAN’s international legal actions. To mark this development, the Centre is hosting a seminar bringing together three leading practitioners to share their own insights and experiences in taking legal actions on international human rights issues, the panel includes:

Kirsty Brimlow QC is a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers where she is head of their International Human Rights Team. She specialises in international human rights, criminal law, public international, constitutional and international criminal law and has instructed in the most serious, complex and prominent cases in the UK and internationally. Kirsty is Chair of the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales and also sits on the Advisory Committee of the Global Legal Action Network.

Michael Lynn SC

Colm O’Dwyer SC (Chair) is an Irish barrister who specialises in human rights, asylum, immigration and public law. Colm regularly pleads before Ireland’s Superior Courts, he is a Commissioner with the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, and was the first Chair of the Bar of Ireland Human Rights Committee.

The seminar will begin with a welcome by Prof Siobhán Mullally, Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights and an introduction to the Global Legal Action Network by its Director Dr Gearóid Ó Cuinn.

More about the ICHR-GLAN collaboration

GLAN is a unique non-profit organisation that pursues innovative legal actions across borders, challenging states and other powerful actors involved with human rights violations. This summer, GLAN commenced recruiting a select number of the Centre’s LLM and PhD students to provide hands on support for its international legal actions. The candidates were selected and brought into three separate projects covering war crimes in Yemen, migration rights and human rights in supply chains. The supervised placements are based in Galway and students link to other GLAN teams via regular video conferencing and online case management systems. Since its inception, GLAN has successfully incorporated clinical legal education into its operations ensuring that students gain meaningful and rewarding experiences that boost the organisation’s capacity and develop its litigation strategies.




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