Dail Debate on Family Reunification Amendment Bill - Asylum Ireland

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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Dail Debate on Family Reunification Amendment Bill

Tue, December 4, 2018

This Thursday (6th December), the International Protection (Family Reunification) (Amendement) Bill will be brought to the Dáil and TDs will vote on whether it should progress to the next stage (this is second stage and there are three more stages to go!).

Nasc, the Migrant and Refugee Rights Centre, along with the Irish Refugee Council and Oxfam Ireland have been supporting the Family Reunification Amendment Bill since it was introduced to the Seanad as a Private Members Bill by Senator Colette Kelleher and the Civil Engagement Group last year.

The Bill seeks to amend the International Protection Act 2015 and return to the family reunification provisions in the Refugee Act 1996.  It passed through all stages in the Seanad with cross-party support.

The family reunification provisions in the International Protection Act 2015 have made it effectively impossible for anyone outside of the immediate family to be reunited in Ireland. This means that children turned 18 are separated from their parents, grandparents from their grandchildren, and elder brothers and sisters from their younger siblings. Many of these families have already been traumatised by violence and persecution in their home countries.

We need your help!

Please take action today to help enable the Bill to pass through the Dáil as soon as possible and enact the urgent change that is needed for refugee families. Contact your local TDs and tell them you want them to vote for the Family Reunification Amendment Bill on Thursday 6th December.

(FYI – you can find out who your TDs are here: https://www.whoismytd.com)

Families should always be together, especially at Christmas – together, we can make this happen.


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